Dope Fit Chick Of The Week!

This week we are highlighting Maria Martin. A business woman, fitness motivator, wife, and mom. Maria is truly is a Dope Fit Chick.

Location: Dayton, Ohio

Favorite  healthy snack: Fruit smoothie

Favorite cheat day snack/meal: Donatos veggie pizza with pineapple

Favorite workout song currently: Thats hard! music is one of my loves, but since i have to pick one..currently its Bad Bunny Gato de Noche

What does your workout routine look like weekly?

Lifting heavy Mon-Fri. 3 leg days (my favorite) and 2 upper body days. I have also recently incorporated 30 min of cardio everyday because swimsuit season is coming.

We all have those times when we are not living a fit lifestyle. How do those days look/feel for you, and what do you do to get back on track?

Not eating enough is probably what it would look like for me. I'm trying to gain muscle which requires eating more and I don't always do that. I don't stop! I stay consistent! That’s how I get back on track. Just because you eat something bad or miss a day or two at the gym you can't beat yourself up and gotta keep going.

Hair is everything in our community, and sometimes it makes women not work out as hard. How do you style and maintain your hair while working out?

Whew! My hair is a struggle! If you see me out mon-fri my hair is in a ponytail probably looking a little crazy cause I sweat it out every day that I'm at the gym and I put the least amount of heat possible to it. So Saturday is my 1 wash day a week. Catch me on A Saturday or Sunday if you want to see my hair presentable lol.

What advice would you give to another Dope Fit Chick in training that wants to be consistent and live a more fit lifestyle?

Be patient! Whether you want to gain or lose it takes time. There is no magic cream or pill to give you quick results. Be consistent with your food and exercise, and it will come! Consistency is key!

What's in your gym bag?

Gloves, deodorant, chap stick, barbell pad, lifting shoes (converse), lifting straps, sweat band, knee sleeves, water bottle.

What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?

It's pretty repetitive for me so that I know I'm eating what I need to get results. Breakfast is usually eggs with oats or a bagel, lunch and dinner are typically chicken with a sweet potato or rice. Snacks high protein Greek yogurt, protein shake, or fruit. My goal is to eat about 100ish grams of protein with some healthy carbs and fats per day.

We are so thankful to have this community of Dope Fit Chicks! If you or someone you know would like to be featured as a Dope Fit Chick email us at: