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Dope Fit Chick of the Week!

Our Dope Fit Chick of the week is, Certified Trainer, Leticia Gardner. In this interview she shares what motivates her to workout and what she eats to stay in shape!

Quick Stats:

Name: Leticia Gardner

Location: Atlanta, Georgia


        What motivates you to work out and live a healthy lifestyle?

What motives me to workout and live a healthy lifestyle, one is I love the results. Not to mention the energy it gives me and allows me to keep up with the kids. Funny thing is when I don’t workout I feel sluggish.


      What does your workout routine look like?

My routine changes by the day. I don’t believe in doing the same thing all the time. Its best for your body to switch it up. Mixture of weights, cardio and metabolic workouts.


       What do you eat in a typical day to stay in shape?

I switch between proteins like turkey, chicken and salmon, paired with lots of green veggies. I try to eat very clean, drinking mostly water. Never soda or juices.


      How do you maintain your hair while working out?

My workout hair style is one of two things, in a high bun or low ponytail in a hat.


      What’s in your gym bag?

Only thing you’ll find inside my gym bag, is my workout gloves, my sweatband and a hair tie.


       How do you create the balance between being a mom & wife, and making time for the gym?

I make fitness a family affair. Having a gym inside my house makes it easy. So whether the kids are home or at school I can always find myself in there. My husband workouts the same, so we usually workout together.


       What might we catch you doing outside the gym?

       Outside the gym, I’m working on my book, attending women empowerment events and spending time with the family!


      Give your best 3 health tips that people can implement right now.

3 health tip:

1. Drink lots of water.

2. Switch up your workout routines.

3. And sign up for totalbody21 !!


  Where can we find you on social media?

You can find me on IG: @leticiamariegardner @totalbody21 or